Forest Officer Hanumant Jadhav Charged in Vadgaon Maval Land Fraud Case

Forest Range Officer Hanumant Jadhav received Rs 2.4 lakh through his office staff from Sandeep Walunj in exchange for issuing the forged NOC.
Forest Officer Hanumant Jadhav Charged in Vadgaon Maval Land Fraud Case
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Pune: Vadgaon Maval Police have registered a case against Forest Range Officer Hanumant Jadhav and three others, including Sandeep Govind Walunj, for their involvement in the illegal sale of private forest land in Shivale. The sale was allegedly carried out using a forged No Objection Certificate (NOC) issued by Jadhav.

Police investigation has revealed that a forged NOC was used to register the illegal sale deed of private forest land in survey numbers 441, 450, 455, and 456 in Shivale, which had been acquired by the Forest Department.

Forest Officer Hanumant Jadhav Charged in Vadgaon Maval Land Fraud Case
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It was found that Hanumant Jadhav received Rs 2.4 lakh through his office staff from Sandeep Walunj in exchange for issuing the forged NOC. Despite lacking the authority to issue such a certificate, Jadhav proceeded, defrauding the government.

Ashutosh Ganpat Shendge, Assistant Conservator of Forests (resident of Bhamurda Forest Colony, Gokhalenagar), filed a complaint with the Vadgaon Maval Police.

According to the police, private forest lands acquired by the Forest Department require written permission from the department's head for any sale, as the names of the occupants are recorded in the 7/12 land records under the Maharashtra Private Forests Act.

In April 2024, the complainant reviewed the 7/12 revenue records for private forest lands in Maval and noticed an irregular sale deed registered for the private forest land in Shivle.

The sale was allegedly based on a NOC issued by Forest Range Officer Hanumant Jadhav. When Jadhav was asked to explain, he denied signing the NOC, claiming it was forged. This raised suspicion, leading to an inquiry with the buyer and the individual who approved the sale deed.

During the investigation, Sandeep Walunj confessed to meeting Hanumant Jadhav at the Vadgaon Maval Forest Range office and paying Rs 2.4 lakh through a staff member to obtain the NOC.

Forest Officer Hanumant Jadhav Charged in Vadgaon Maval Land Fraud Case
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Despite receiving written orders to file a case regarding the forged NOC, Forest Range Officer Hanumant Jadhav delayed doing so, confirming the complainant's suspicions.

As a result, a case has now been filed against Hanumant Jadhav, Sandeep Walunj, the staff member involved, and others. Inspector Kumar Kadam is conducting further investigation.

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