Our Shadu Clay Idol, Your Price: PMC Pushes for Eco-Friendly Ganeshotsav

The campaign, titled “Our Idol, Your Price,” offers citizens the opportunity to purchase Shadu clay idols at their desired price.
PMC Eco-Friendly Ganeshotsav Initiative
PMC Eco-Friendly Ganeshotsav InitiativeThe Bridge Chronicle
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Pune: To promote an eco-friendly Ganeshotsav, the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has launched a special initiative encouraging citizens to choose Shadu clay idols over the traditionally used Plaster of Paris (POP) idols.

The campaign, titled “Our Idol, Your Price,” offers citizens the opportunity to purchase Shadu clay idols at their desired price, making the environmentally friendly choice more accessible.

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These eco-friendly idols will be available at the Ghole Road Art Gallery on Friday (September 6), and Saturday (September 7), between 10 AM and 6 PM. This initiative is being organized by the PMC’s Environmental Department in partnership with Liberty Earthware Art.

The idols are crafted using Shadu clay in the Bhakti Sangam style, and have the unique feature of dissolving completely in water within just two hours. Additionally, the clay from the idol can be repurposed in household flower pots after immersion, thus contributing to a sustainable celebration.

The PMC has also urged residents to adopt environmentally responsible practices during the festival, such as using natural and biodegradable materials for decorations and prioritizing Shadu clay idols over POP idols.

In a statement, the PMC emphasized, “We appeal to citizens to celebrate Ganeshotsav in an eco-friendly manner by choosing sustainable options that reduce environmental impact.”

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Idol Donation Centers

In addition to promoting eco-friendly idols, the PMC has set up immersion ponds and idol donation centers across the city. This year, to further incentivize eco-conscious behavior, the PMC will provide a three-kilogram bag of compost to citizens who donate their idols at these centers.

To support this initiative, 15,000 bags of compost, with 1,000 bags allocated to each regional office, have been made available. The PMC hopes that this effort will encourage more citizens to participate in environmentally friendly practices during the festival.

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