Pune District Survey Finds 507 Out-of-School Children, 281 Integrated into Schools

Efforts are being made to enroll remaining 226 children. However, due to their frequent movement, it is challenging to bring them into mainstream.
Pune District Survey Finds 507 Out-of-School Children, 281 Integrated into Schools
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Pune: A recent survey conducted by the Pune Zilla Parishad has identified 507 out-of-school children across the district. Of these, 281 have been successfully integrated into schools, while efforts continue to bring the remaining 226 children into the educational system.

The initiative aims to prevent these children from falling behind academically and to reintegrate them into mainstream society.

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The survey revealed that 310 children had migrated out of Pune from 13 talukas, PCMC, and PMC, while 507 children had migrated into Pune from other states and districts.

Of the 507 identified children, 281 have been integrated into schools, and efforts are ongoing to bring the remaining children into the educational stream, stated to Primary Education Officer Sanjay Naikade.

To enroll out-of-school, irregular, and migrant children into the education system and ensure their uninterrupted education, the Zilla Parishad's Education Department conducted a survey from July 5 to 20.

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Following the survey, the Education Department of the Zilla Parishad released the statistics of the out-of-school children. Among the 310 children who migrated out of the district, 155 were girls and 155 were boys. Similarly, 147 children migrated within the district, comprising 78 girls and 69 boys.

The survey also found that 132 children migrated into Pune from other districts, while 31 children migrated out of Pune to other states. In total, 507 children migrated into the district, including 282 girls and 225 boys.

Of these, 169 children migrated within the district, and 282 children migrated into Pune from other districts. Additionally, 56 children migrated into the district from other states.

Efforts are being made to enroll the remaining 226 out-of-school children in the district. However, due to their frequent movement, it is challenging to bring them into the mainstream.

To address this, local leaders where the parents of out-of-school children work are being urged to encourage school enrollment, according to Naikade.

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