Sanjay Ghodawat will receive Ideal Bizman award

Sanjay Ghodawat will receive Ideal Bizman award

PUNE: Businessman Sanjay Ghodawat has won the ‘Ideal Businessman’ award from the Poona Merchants Chamber this year. The award was announced by president of the chamber, Popatlal Ostwal on Tuesday. 

Speaking to reporters, Ostwal said he is being awarded for his business acumen and social contribution. The other three persons to be awarded by the chamber are Vijay Bhandari, Satish Shah and Reporter Swapnil Bapat. Ostwal said Ghodawat employs more than 10,000 people and runs an educational institution and trusts. 

“Bhandari has been involved in a number of social service activities like running a dialysis centre and others. While Shah is being awarded for his contribution towards temples in Maharashtra,” added Ostwal. 

The awards function will be held at Balgandharva Rangmandir on September 1 at 5 pm.

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